Speaker Biography

Ahdy W. Helmy

Dr. Ahdy Helmy, has a MSc and a PhD from Alexandria University, Egypt, then finished a second residency in Internal Medicine, and a fellowship in Endocrinology and Metabolism at Indiana University, USA. He is triple board certified in Medicine, Endocrinology & Lipidology. Is a faculty at Indiana University School of Medicine, USA for the past 20 + years, a distinguished teacher, clinician, an author, and speaker within the USA and abroad.



Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as a broad category, it encompasses simple steatosis to that with hepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, and even hepatocellular carcinoma. NAFLD is a growing health crisis, in the US, and the West, the prevalence is 20-40%. In part, due to visceral obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, excess lipolysis, and atherogenic dyslipidemia.

The flying fatty acids like loose cannons, end up in multiple organs with subsequent collateral damage.  NAFLD is what results from the liver getting entangled in this metabolic mess. The pancreas gets burned as well, and many of those patients are either diabetics, or diabetics in training. NAFLD exacerbates insulin resistance contributing to worsened glucose tolerance. NAFLD patients are also at an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality, as cardiac steatosis hits the heart muscle, while atherogenic dyslipidemia clogs the coronaries. In this review, I summarize the current understanding of NAFLD pathophysiology, risk factors, non-invasive recognition, diagnosis, identifying the close entanglement with the Cardiovascular risk natural history.  New treatments, and risk modifications meant to salvage every organ to be collaterally damaged in the path of this metabolic hurricane.