Himanshu Nayak
Assitant Professor AMC MET Medical College, India
Title: Gestational Diabetes Awareness & Screening Project (GDMAS), Ahmedabad
Himanshu Nayak is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Community Medicine in AMCMET Medical College, Ahmedabad, India
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) may have severe life-threatening consequences for mother and unborn baby if not diagnosed and managed. Awareness, screening and treatment can reduce worst consequences and provide opportunity to prevent future diabetes. There are 69.2 million people with diabetes in India during 2015, which is projected to increase 123.5 million by 2040. Current community based study is carried out in urban slum & outreach rural areas of Ahmedabad, catering population of 72 lakh. 300 doctors (125 centers) are trained as training of trainers (TOT). Further capacity building of 3400 paramedical staff & grass root level workers is done to effectively deliver services in remote areas. Pregnant women (50,000) of 24-28 gestational weeks are screened for GDM during one year period. Health worker measures blood glucose of pregnant women two hours after ingestion of 75gm oral glucose solution (diluted in 300ml water). All pregnant women of remote periphery areas are approached through the existing outreach sessions (Mamta divas) of Reproductive & Child Health system & health centers. Women, having sugar ≥ 140mg/dl, are advised and referred to higher center for appropriate care and delivery and given special consideration to prevent perinatal morbidity and mortality and poor fetal outcome. Women are being followed till the delivery to know and compare the outcome. Three lakh women are sensitized about lifestyle modification during awareness camps. This project will do capacity building of primary health care personnel, increase community awareness, reduce burden of diabetes & help the authority to incorporate GDM screening as component of antenatal care.